National Children Fund


UNNATI : A Scholarship Scheme under National Children's Fund          UNNATI : Application Form 

Composition of Board of Management                                                         Minutes of 18th Meeting of BOM (18-12-2015) 

Public Notice                                                                                                           Details for Donation to NCF                                                    

Scheme of Administration

(Revised in November, 2017)

Ministry of Women and Child Development
In The Matter of The Charitable Endowments Act, 1890


In the Matter of The National Children’s Fund, New Delhi


WHEREAS the Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Women and Child Development, being the person who proposes to apply the funds of the National Children’s Fund, New Delhi, in trust for charitable purposes, has applied for vesting the funds mentioned in Schedule A annexed hereto in the Treasurer of Charitable Endowments for India and for the settlement of a scheme for the administration of the said Funds;

S.O.1311(E) - In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 4 and 5 of the Charitable Endowments Act, 1890 (6 of 1890), and on the application made by the Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Women and Child Development and with the concurrence of the said Secretary, the Central Government made further amendments in the notification of the Govt. of India in the erstwhile Department of Social Welfare number S.O.120(E)* dated 2nd March, 1979, the amended Scheme of National Children’s Fund (NCF) will be as follows. The Scheme will be applicable from 24th November, 2004.


*Published in the Gazette of India, Extra Ordinary, 1979 (Part-II), Section 3(ii), Page 213

*As amended by the S.O. No.2071 dated 28 July, 1980



Contribution of rupees one lakh made to the Government of India towards the funds of the National Children’s Fund.


Scheme for the administration of the National Children’s Fund, New Delhi


  1. The objects of the National Children’s Fund hereinafter referred to as the Fund shall be:-
    1. to raise funds from individuals, institutions, corporate and others.
    2. to promote and fund the various programmes for children who are affected by natural calamities, disasters, distress and in difficult circumstances through voluntary agencies and State Governments, in unserved and underserved areas including tribal and remote areas in pursuance of the National Charter for Children, 2003 notified by Women and Child Development on 9th February, 2004 and Children in difficult circumstances including children of prisoners, children affected by riots, aggression, children affected by trafficking and children of prostitutes.
    3. to implement various programmes.
    4. to do all other things that are incidental and conducive to the above objects

The objectives of the Fund shall extend to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

  1. For the management and administration of the Fund a Board of Management (hereinafter referred to as the Board) shall be constituted consisting of the following members:-


Minister in - charge of  Ministry of Women and Child  Development  (Chairperson Ex-officio)


Secretary, Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India

Working Chairperson


Joint Secretary In-charge of National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development, in the Ministry of Women and Child Development



Financial Advisor Ministry of Women and Child Development



Chairperson Central Social Welfare Board, New Delhi



General Secretary Indian Council for Child Welfare



Six non-official members nominated by Chairperson



Four representatives from State Governments and Union Territories nominated by the Secretary, Ministry of Women and Child Development




Director, National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development

Secretary - Treasurer

During Director NIPCCD’s absence the charge of Secretary-Treasurer (NCF) shall get automatically transferred to the Director I/C of NIPCCD.

  1. Not less than five members shall form a quorum. Every matter shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present and voting on question. In case of equality of votes Chairperson shall have a casting vote.
  2. The Board shall function notwithstanding any vacancy in its constitution.
  3. Subject to the provisions herein contained, the Board may, with the previous approval of the Central Government, frame and vary from time to time, as they think fit, bye-laws for the conduct of their business.
  4. The funds of the Fund shall be vested in the Treasurer of Charitable Endowments for India.
  5. (i)  The Board shall constitute a Working Committee under the Chairpersonship of the Working Chairperson of the Fund with not more than six members from the Board including Secretary-Treasurer of the Fund to dispose of applications for financial assistance from the Fund up to a limit of five lakh  rupees in each case.

(ii) The Board shall invest the proceeds of the sale or other disposal of the property as well as any moneys or property not immediately required to be used for the objects of the Fund in any one or more of the mode of investment for the time being authorized by law for the investment of the trust money as the Board may think proper. Short term investment of the Fund not immediately required may be invested in fixed deposit in nationalized banks.


  1. The Board may subject to such conditions and limitations delegate any or all of its powers to the Working Committee or Working Chairperson of the Fund.
  2. The Board may delegate such of its powers to the Working Chairperson as may,  in the opinion of the Board, are merely day to day administrative work and involve no discretion.
  3. Regular accounts of the moneys in the funds shall be kept by the Secretary- Treasurer.
  4. All contracts and other assurances shall be in the name of the Board and signed on its behalf by Working Chairperson and the Secretary-Treasurer.
  5. The Board may receive any endowment, donation, or other contributions in augmentation of any one of the objects and general purpose of the Fund. They may also receive endowments, donations or other contributions for any special purposes connected with the charity not inconsistent with or calculated to impede the due working of the provisions of the Fund.
  6. Non-profit institutions, voluntary organisations, charitable trusts, local bodies including Panchayats, individuals, State Governments and Union Territory Administration are eligible to apply for financial assistance in terms of the objects of the Fund.
  7. Applications to Board: For financial assistance from the Central Accounts of the Fund, voluntary organisations, State Governments, Union Territory Administrations, Charitable Trusts, Local Bodies and individuals shall address applications in this behalf, in the annexed form (Annexure-2), to the Secretary- Treasurer of the Board.
  8. There shall be no upper limit for financial assistance from the Fund, provided that no assistance shall be given exceeding five lakh rupees unless it is approved by the Board and the particulars published in a National Daily Newspapers.
  9. Power to stop grant: - The Chairperson of the Board shall have power to withhold or reduce any undisbursed grant made under the Fund on the recommendation by the Secretary-Treasurer, if such withholding of grant is reported to the Board.
  10. Conditions of financial assistance: - The Conditions of financial assistance may be determined by the working committee or Board, as the case may be, at the time of approving the application for grant of financial assistance.
  11. Duration of Membership: -
  1. A nominated member of the Board and the Working Committee shall hold office for a period of two years provided that no member shall continue as a member of Working Committee beyond his term of office as a member of Board.
  2. A member of the Board and the Working Committee shall cease to be a member on resignation, death or on becoming of unsound mind or an insolvent or on conviction by court for committing a criminal offence involving moral turpitude.
  3. The resignation of membership shall be tendered to the Chairperson of the Board and shall become effective from the date of its acceptance or on the expiry of thirty days after from the date of resignation, whichever is earlier.


  1. Vacancies in the Board: Vacancies in the Board shall be filled in the manner in which the Board was originally constituted.
  2. Meetings of the Board: The Board may meet as often as it is necessary to do so for the transaction of the business of the Fund and in any case at least once a year.
  3. Powers and Functions of the Secretary-Treasurer: - It shall be the duty of the Secretary- Treasurer:-
  1. to be the custodian of all records of the Board
  2. to conduct all official correspondence on behalf of the Board
  3. to issue all notices for convening the meetings of the Board
  4. to keep minutes of all meetings of the Board
  5. to manage the properties and funds of the Fund to maintain accounts and execute all contracts on behalf of the Board
  6. to exercise all other powers and execute such other functions as may be assigned to him by the Board.
  1. Assets of the Fund: - In addition to the money, particulars of which are given in Schedule A of the said notification, the assets of the Fund shall include all such grants and contributions, recurring and non-recurring from the Central and State Governments, local bodies or any other statutory or non-statutory bodies set up by the Central or State Governments as well as voluntary donations and endowments from any other sources, whenever received.
  2. Allocation of funds: - The Fund may spend during a financial year only the interest income on its investments and 50% of the donation received in the preceding financial year on providing financial assistance to activities taken up in furtherance of the objects of the fund.

Provided that where the Fund receives a donation requiring that the entirety of it should be expended within the time stipulated by the donor, the restriction of utilizing only 50% of the donation received in the preceding year will not apply.

  1. Deposit of funds: - All moneys of the Fund shall be credited to accounts opened in any scheduled Bank approved in this behalf by the Government of India.
  2. Withdrawal of Funds: - Withdrawal of funds from the accounts of the Fund shall be regulated in a manner to be determined by the Board. Such withdrawals shall be made by cheques or requisitions, as the case may be, signed by the Secretary-Treasurer if the amount does not exceed Rupees one lakh (Rs. 1,00,000/-) and signed by Secretary-Treasurer and Joint Secretary in-charge NIPCCD (Administration) of the Board to be nominated by the Board for amounts exceeding Three lakh rupees.
  1. Administrative expenses- The following items of expenditure: (i) payment of salary to sanctioned staff at authorised pay scales (ii) audit fee (iii) any tax or statutory dues of the Fund (iv) Travelling Allowance and Dearness Allowance to staff or members of the Board at rates and scale approved by the Board and expenses related to preparation and printing of Annual Report (v) litigation will be legitimate charge on the Fund and may be incurred by Secretary-Treasurer without reference to any superior authority and (vi) the expenditure on other items of administrative nature may be restricted to an annual amount approved by the Board or fixed as 10% of fund disbursed during the previous financial year.


28.Appointment of Staff:-
  1. The Board may appoint such staff as it may consider necessary for the discharge of its function.
  2. The terms and conditions of service of the staff may be determined by the Board.
29.Remuneration to members of the Board: -
  1. No remuneration shall be paid to any of the members of the Board except travelling and daily allowance at rates to be determined by the Board.
  2. Official members of the Board will draw travelling and daily allowance at rates admissible to them from the source from which they draw their salaries.
  3. Officers and staff of the Fund may draw such remuneration and travelling and daily allowance to which they may be entitled under rules applicable to them or as authorized by the Board.
  1. Annual Report: An Annual Report including accounts of the Fund, audited by a firm of Chartered Accountants, appointed by the Board and certified by them that the expenditure from the funds of the fund has been correctly incurred in accordance with the objects of the Fund, shall be prepared by the Secretary- Treasurer, after approval of the Board, be presented to the Government of India.
Contact Details
Name Designation Phone E-mail Address
Ms.Tripti Gurha Secretary-Treasurer, NCF -
Ms. Parul Srivastav Joint-Director I/c NCF -
Shri. Dinesh Kumar Section Officer (Acts.) I/c NCF -