
Regional Centre, Mohali covers the States of Chandigarh, Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Punjab.
Child Guidance Centre
Restoring and Strengthening Emotional Wellbeing of Children and Families : Beyond the families best effort to give their child an accomplishing and joyous life, the journey of all children do not follow an expected pathway. Some children experience sadness, guilt, worthlessness, fear or respond to others in anger, may harm themselves or others and the like. Some children may be limited in their attention concentration, ability to stay focused, ability to learn academics, social skills, peer relationships. Yet all children deserve opportunities to dream for their lives, experience happy lives and reach their fullest potential.
Child Guidance Center offers families comprehensive diagnostic assessments by qualified team of Child development professional, Child counselors, Psychiatrist, Psychologist and Speech therapist. It offers specialized screening and diagnosis of children suspected of, at risk of or showing learning, behavior, attention, and developmental difficulties.
Our team helps the child and family in recognizing what is coming in the way of success and happiness and find ways to make life bloom despite the limitations.
Assessment Services of the Center are available to families with young children up to the age of 12 years. Parents who are concerned about the child's learning, emotional and behavioral difficulties can contact the Centre from assessment and guidance. Families from any region, socioeconomic status can seek services at a nominal fee. Parents are met through appointment when the child and the family are worked with individually and exclusively.
Guiding Philosophy
The development of a child is shaped by his or her unique biological, psychological and social environment. Thus to understand the child, the team works together with the child and family to discover his or her unique profile and find ways to reach the goal post of success and accomplishments through the child's emotional and cognitive abilities within its family situation.
Comprehensive assessments by multidisciplinary team call for 8-10 assessment sessions with the child and the family. Care is taken to economize the visits of the family to the Centre by planning more than one assessment session on a day so that it is child friendly and parents and the child's life is not disturbed on account of the visits to the Centre by planning more than one assessment session on a day so that it is child friendly and parents and the child's life is not disturbed on account of the visits to the Centre.
Being Opened
कौन कौन है
Name | Designation | Phone | E-Mail Address |
Dr. Rita Patnaik | Regional Director (I/c) | 0172-2972937 |, |
Shri Aneel V.B. Babu | Deputy Director | 9900240884 | |
Smt. K.Sunita Seshadri | Deputy Director & DDO | 9435731296 | |
Shri Sunil Kumar | Assistant Director | 9305933554 | |
Dr. Monika Sharma | Assistant Director | 8948004594 | |
Ms. Sonali Kumari | Assistant Director | 8889952627 | |
Puspendra Pratap Singh Sengar | Associate Librarian | 8750015533 | |
प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम
हमसे संपर्क करें

Regional Centre - Mohali
(Established in 2019)
Near Gurudwara, Sector 79
Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar
Phone : 0172-2972935 to 44