January, 2020
- Important Activities
The Institute observed silence on 30th January, 2020 in the memory of those who gave their lives in the struggle for India’s freedom.
- Training Programmes
1. Job Training Course for CDPO was organized from 06 January-5 February, 2020 at Regional Centre Mohali with the main objectives to: orient participants about the Anganwadi Services under Umbrella ICDS – its philosophy, objectives, package of services and beneficiaries; familiarize them with their role and responsibilities vis-à-vis job responsibilities of other block functionaries in the matter of coordination, supervision and management of Anganwadi Services project; discuss about recent developments and new thrust areas under Anganwadi Services under Umbrella ICDS; apprise CDPOs about various aspects of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) including nutrition and health; share the need, importance and strategies for convergence of services at various levels of implementation; enhance their requisite skills for guiding grass-root level functionaries on ECCE, Health & Nutrition and Community Participation; equip them to monitor and supervise activities of Anganwadi Services and develop effective leadership, supportive supervision and management of ICDS projects. Twenty six participants attended the course.
2. Sensitisation Programme on Capacity Building of Women through Leadership Development was organized from 6-8 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Guwahati with the main objectives to: develop an understanding about evolution of leadership and its relevance for women; enable the participants about the scope and existing mechanism that foster leadership among women; discuss the role of change agents in developing skills and capacities of women for taking up leadership roles; evolve strategies and interventions for leadership development among women through networking. Eighteen participants attended the
3. Training Programme on Counselling Skills for Counsellors and Social Workers of Child Care Institutions was organized from 6-10 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Guwahati with the main objectives to: enable the participants to develop an adequate understanding on various issues concerning children in need of care and protection and in conflict with law; discuss the role of counsellors and case workers in management of institutionalized children; widen knowledge on techniques of counselling and hone skills of counselling; and impart knowledge on record keeping, scientific reporting and documentation. Twenty seven participants attended the training programme.
4. Skill Training on Growth Monitoring and use of Mother and Child Protection (MCP) Card for Trainers and Functionaries of Anganwadi Services under Umbrella ICDS was organized from 6-10 January, 2020 at Headquarters with the main objectives to: orient the participants to the New MCP card and use of MCP Card; familiarize the participants with changes in the new MCP card with respect to the old MCP card; and orient participants on health and nutrition issues linked to MCP card, its usage and implementation. Sixteen participants attended the training programme.
5. Induction training of Supervisors of Anganwadi Service Scheme (ASS) was organized from 6-10 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Bengaluru with the main objectives to: orient the participants to various components of ASS scheme; enable them to understand their own role, as well as the roles and responsibilities of other functionaries of the scheme; facilitate them to develop skill necessary for supervision and monitoring and management on the ICDS/ASS scheme. Twenty seven participants attended the programme.
6. Training on Recent Initiatives on Child Rights and Child Protection for the ICPS Functionaries was organized from 6-10 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Mohali with the main objectives to: enable the participants to develop to develop understanding on various issues concerning children in need of care and protection and in conflict with law, the existing Juvenile Justice System and the prevailing laws concerning children; orient the participants regarding recent developments in child rights and child protection; orient participants on provisions of care, protection, rehabilitation and reintegration of children including adoption; strengthen skill on filling various forms, develop individual care plan, preparing social background history etc.; discuss the role of functionaries in ensuring rights of children. Thirty one participants attended the training programme.
7. Orientation Workshop for Chairpersons and Members of Child Welfare Committees (CWCs) was organized from 7-8 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Bengaluru with the main objectives to: develop understanding among the participants on the situation of children in India and challenges faced by children for their holistic development; sensitize and orient participants to the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015; orient the participants on the salient features of POCSO Act, 2012 and Amendment Act 2019; discuss relevance of non-Institutional Services under the Act to like Adoption, foster care to facilitate effective rehabilitation & social reintegration of children; orient the participants about the functioning of CWCs and the role and responsibilities of Chairperson and Members of CWCs; create an understanding of the concept of rehabilitation and social reintegration and to enable effective assessment of options and; understand the mechanisms for speedy disposal of cases. Twenty five participants attended the workshop.
8. Workshop on Safety of Children in CCIs was organized from 7-8 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Indore with the main objectives to: orient the participants about the conceptual framework of Child Rights and Protection; enable them to understand service delivery mechanisms and legal provisions for safety and security of children in homes; enable the participants to understand, develop and operationalize the Child Protection Policy for the Institution; create an understanding of the Good Child Protection Practices including various policies and programmes etc. Thirty two participants attended the workshop.
9. Workshop on Role of Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) in Women and Child Development for Government, Civil Society Organization and Corporate Representatives was organized from 8-10 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Indore with the main objectives to: provide an opportunity to representatives of Government and non-Government institutions across social sectors and the Corporate sector to explore possibilities for infusing CSR efforts for development of women and children; deliberate on the present and future challenges in the fast changing social and business environment and fulfilling the expectations of various stakeholders. Forty three participants attended the workshop.
10. Orientation Training on Strengthening the Growth Monitoring skills for functionaries of ASS of Aspirational Districts was organized from 8-10 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Bengaluru with the main objectives to: strengthen skills of participants on new WHO Child Growth Standards; review the implementation of the growth chart; and enable them to report the data of underweight, wasting and stunting. Thirty nine participants attended the programme.
11. Training Programme on Planning, Management and Monitoring for DPOs of Anganwadi Services under Umbrella ICDS was organized from 9-10 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Lucknow with the main objectives to: orient about identification of specific needs at the state, district and block level; equip participants in need based decentralized planning; and enhance managerial skills and develop leadership qualities. Nine participants attended the training programmed.
12. Regional Level Review Meet on ICPS for Various Stakeholders was organized from 9-10 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Indore with the main objectives to: review the Child Rights and Child Protection Mechanism; orient on recent initiatives for child rights and child protection under ICPS; discuss the role and responsibilities of various ICPS functionaries; develop strategies for effective implementation of recent initiatives under ICPS. Seventeen participants attended the review meet.
13. Sensitization Awareness Generation on E-Learning Programmes in Collaboration with Universities and the Educational Institutions was organized on 11 January, 2020 at Uttar Pradesh by Regional Centre Lucknow with the main objectives to: provide a common platform for skill up gradation, and exchange of ideas on various aspects of Child Development; familiarize the participants with the different procedures of registration, learning and evaluation through online mode; provide suggestive actions for improving the course curriculum, content and mode of learning. One hundred twenty one participants attended the programme.
14-15. Two Orientation Workshops on Counselling for Children and Caregivers of CCIs were organized on 13 & 14 January, 2020 at New Delhi by Headquarters with the main objectives to: orient the participants to develop an understanding of the needs of children in terms of their care and protection especially Child Psychology and related issues; facilitate them to identify and analyze the problems of children in need of care and protection and children in conflict with law; Understand the steps, principles, and process of counselling and prepare them to effectively deal with the children in a child-friendly way. In All, eighty participants attended these workshops.
16. Sensitization Programme on Family Life Education and Holistic Development of Adolescent Girls for Government Officials and VOs was organized from 13-15 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Mohali with the main objectives to: orient the participants about physical and psychological changes and challenges of adolescence; apprise the participants to reproductive health issues and nutritional needs of adolescents; sensitize them about their role in Family Life Education for holistic development of adolescents; and critically apprise them with the strategies to promote emotional well-being and holistic development during adolescent. Thirty seven participants attended the training programme.
17. Training Programme on IYCF for Functionaries of Tribal Anganwadi Services Projects under Umbrella ICDS was organized from 13-17 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Indore with the main objectives to: enhance the technical knowledge on Infant and Young Child Feeding; build the counselling skills on exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding; learn growth monitoring and measuring; and practice IYCF counselling with emphasis on correct positioning, helping mothers to breastfeed through clinical practice. Sixteen participants attended the training programme.
18. Refresher Course for CDPOs/ACDPOs was organized from 13-17 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Lucknow with the main objectives to: review the implementation of Anganwadi services scheme in the State with regard to its various aspects; provide a forum for sharing of experiences in implementing of the scheme; apprise CDPOs about the recent developments and trends in Anganwadi Services Scheme; update their knowledge in the areas of early childhood care and development including nutrition and health care; and sharpen their communication, counselling and managerial skills. Twelve participants attended the course.
19. Job Training Course for CDPOs/ ACDPOs was organized from 13 January– 12 February, 2020 at Regional Centre Indore with the main objectives to: orient the trainee CDPOs about ICDS programme - its philosophy, objectives, package of services and beneficiaries; familiarize them with their role and responsibilities vis-à-vis job responsibilities of other block functionaries in coordination, supervision and management of ICDS project; discuss with them the recent developments and thrusts in ICDS programme; share with them the need, importance and strategies for convergence of services at various levels of implementation; develop their requisite skills required for guiding grass roots level functionaries in preschool education, health & nutrition and community participation; equip them with knowledge for effective leadership, supportive supervision and management of ICDS Projects; orient them on New WHO Growth Standards and use of MCP Cards orient participants about new schemes – SABLA & IGMSY orient participants on Strengthening and Restructuring of ICDS. Twenty one participants attended programme.
20. Awareness Programme on Safety & Security of Children in CCIs was organized on 14 January, 2020 at New Delhi by Headquarters with the main objectives to: orient the participants on safety and security concerns in CCIs. Forty participants attended the training programme.
21. Workshop on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 for Law Enforcement Agencies/ Government Officials was organized from 15-16 January, 2020 at Headquarters with the main objectives to: provide insight into the manifestation of gender based violence against women in India; existing policies and support services for women; develop understanding about the salient features of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and Rules; and evolve strategies for addressing the problem of sexual harassment of women at work place. Thirty four participants attended the workshop.
22. Training Programme on Community Based Management of Malnutrition for ICDS & VOs was organized from 15-17 January, 2020 at Headquarters with the main objectives to: orient the participants on health and nutrition issues prevalent in their states and respective districts; share best practices of states that focus on the prevention and management of growth faltering in children and include interventions to improve nutritional status of women before and during pregnancy; equip them with necessary skills to use stadiometer and infantometer for taking height measurements and assessing stunting in children; and evolve strategies which will help in formulation of coordinated & convergent actions for management of malnourished children having no medical complications, in the community settings in a collaborative mode. Thirty one participants attended the training programme.
23. Orientation-Cum –Review Training Programme on Beti Bachao- Beti Padhao for District Nodal Officers was organized on 17 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Mohali by Headquarters with the main objectives to: sensitize and train the functionaries as catalysts for social change and to mobilize the community for its engagement for improving the CSR, Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) and enrolment & retention of girl child in schools; provide information and training for better inter-sectoral and inter-institutional convergence at district/block/grass-root levels; orient the trainers about advocacy campaign for social and behaviour change; and document best practices across states. Forty seven participants attended the training programme.
24. Orientation-Cum –Review Training Programme on Beti Bachao- Beti Padhao for District Nodal Officers was organized on 18 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Mohali by Headquarters with the main objectives to: sensitize and train the functionaries as catalysts for social change and to mobilize the community for its engagement for improving the CSR, Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) and enrolment & retention of girl child in schools; provide information and training for better inter-sectoral and inter-institutional convergence at district/block/grass-root levels; and orient the trainers about advocacy campaign for social and behaviour change; document best practices across states. Twenty four participants attended the training programme.
25. Orientation Program on Child Protection Issues for Functionaries of Voluntary Organizations was organized from 20-22 January, 2020 by Regional Centre Bengaluru with the main objectives to: develop understanding among the participants on the situation of children in India and challenges faced by children for their holistic development; sensitize and orient participants to the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 and JJ rules 2016; orient the participants about the functioning of CWCs and the role and responsibilities of Chairperson and Members of CWCs; create an understanding of the concept of rehabilitation and social reintegration; enable effective assessment of options; discuss relevance of non-Institutional Services under the Act to facilitate effective rehabilitation & social reintegration of children including difficulties faced by them; learn the role of different stakeholders as provided in the Act; understand the mechanisms for speedy disposal of cases. Twenty nine participants attended the training programme.
26. Sensitization programme of Block Level Anganwadi Services Functionaries on Ensuring Food Safety and Maintaining Food Safety Standards in Supplementary Nutrition was organized from 20-22 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Guwahati with the main objectives to: sensitize the Anganwadi Services functionaries on the issues relating to food safety in the Eastern Region; discuss measures to be adopted for maintaining food safety standards at the AWC level; and discuss the role and responsibilities of Anganwadi Services functionaries in ensuring Food Safety in supplementary nutrition. Twenty participants attended the programme.
27. Skill Training for Officials of Anganwadi Services on Preparation of Low-cost/ No-cost TLM for Early Childhood Education and Development was organized from 20-24 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Guwahati with the main objectives to: orient the CDPOs/ Supervisors to recent initiatives in ECCD; provide hands on experience on preparation and use of low cost/ no cost TLM using locally available resources for ECED; and build the abilities of the participants to guide and supervise the frontline workers. Fifteen participants attended the skill training programme.
28. Training of trainers preparation and use of low cost TLM and organization of ECCE activities was organized from 20-24 January, 2020 at Headquarters with the main objectives to: strengthen knowledge and understanding of participants on ECCE component of the Anganwadi Services Scheme; internalize the need and strategy for development of teaching learning materials (TLMs) for transaction of Annual ECCE Curriculum; and enhance the skills of trainers to plan, prepare and use the low cost TLMs for organizing various activities as per Annual ECCE Curriculum. Twenty three participants attended the training programme.
29. National Meet of Nodal officers were dealing with Training of Anganwadi Services Functionaries was organized from 21-22 January, 2020 at Headquarters with the main objectives to: familiarize the Nodal Officers about recent development in Anganwadi Services under Umbrella ICDS; analyze the problem hindering success in Anganwadi Services Scheme implementation; discuss about the strategies for making effective training plan of Anganwadi Services functionaries. Twenty seven participants attended the meet.
30. Vertical Training of block level functionaries of Anganwadi Services Scheme was organized from 21-25 January, 2020 at Andhra Pradesh by Regional Centre Bengaluru with the main objectives to: enhance the skills of CDPOs and Supervisors and Health Functionaries to act as a master trainer for providing continuing education at the Project level; provide inputs to improve knowledge and skills of all ICDS and Health functionaries at Project level for quality improvement in delivery of ICDS services; work jointly and formulate action plan at project level for quality improvement of delivery of services. Seventy participants attended the programme.
31. Awareness Programme on Cyber Safety in Schools was organized on 22 January, 2020 at Uttar Pradesh by Headquarters with the main objectives to: discuss the recent trends of cyber-crimes committed against children in India; share information about the implementation of various legislations, policies and schemes concerning online protection of children; frame a pathway for cyber safety of children with support of existing mechanisms. Fifty three participants attended the programme.
32. Sensitization Programme for ICDS officials and AWTCs/MLTCs on Early Detection, Prevention and Management of Children with Special Needs was organized from 22-24 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Mohali with the main objectives to: orient the participants about different types of disabilities and disorders among children; develop their skills for early detection and prevention of disabilities among children; facilitate the participants in understanding the role of ICDS functionaries in prevention and management of disabilities; and to make the participants understand about the integration of differently- abled children into the mainstream of society. Twenty two participants attended the training programme.
33. Workshop on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 for School Teachers/ Administrators was organized from 23-24 January, 2020 at Headquarters with the main objectives to:provide insight into the manifestation of Gender based violence against women in India; existing policies and support services for women; develop understanding about the salient features of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and Rules; and evolve strategies for addressing the problem of sexual harassment of women at work place. Thirty one participants attended the workshop.
34. Workshop on Child Rights and Child Protection for Members of CWCs was organized from 23-24 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Indore with the main objectives to: develop understanding among the participants on the situation of children in India and challenges faced by children for their holistic development; sensitize and orient participants to the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015 and its Rules 2016; orient the participants about the functioning of JJBs/CWCs and the role and responsibilities of Chairperson and Members; create an understanding of the concept of rehabilitation and social reintegration and to enable effective assessment of options; discuss relevance of non-Institutional Services under the Act to facilitate effective rehabilitation & social reintegration of children including difficulties faced by them; learn the role of different stakeholders as provided in the Act; and understand the mechanisms for speedy disposal of cases. Twenty one participants attended the workshop.
35. Orientation Workshop on Cyber Crimes against Children for Counsellors and Teachers of Educational Institutions was organized on 24 January, 2020 at Headquarters with the main objectives to: discuss the recent trends of cyber-crimes committed against children in India; share information about the implementation of various legislations, policies and schemes concerning online protection of children; frame a pathway for cyber safety of children with support of existing mechanisms. Forty three participants attended the workshop.
36. Parental Workshop on the use of Gadgets by Children for parents of Children in Child Care Centre was organized on 25 January, 2020 at New Delhi with the main objectives to: introduction of Gadgets in early childhood years and its relationship with social, emotional and cognitive development of child; how these Gadgets impacts on cognitive and motor skills of children; and aware the parents about the perceived risks and its benefits. Seventy participants attended the workshop.
37. Refresher Course for CDPOs was organized from 27-31 January, 2020 at Headquarters with the main objectives to: update the participants, their knowledge in the area of early childhood care and development including nutrition and health care; appraise them about the recent developments in Anganwadi Service Scheme; review the implementation of Anganwadi Service Scheme with regard to its various aspects; sharpen their communication, counselling and managerial skills; provide a forum for sharing of experiences to the participants; and assess skill specific training needs of CDPOs. Eighteen participants attended the programme.
38. JTC e-learning contact programme for CDPOs was organized from 27-31 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Bengaluru by Headquarters with the main objectives to: provide supervised practice to enhance the skills of functionaries; give hands on experience to the CDPOs; bridge the learning gap of the trainers; give them practical exposure and build their confidence. Twenty participants attended the programmes.
39. Refresher Course for CDPOs/ACDPOs was organized from 27-31 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Guwahati with the main objectives to: assess the training needs of CDPOs/ACDPOs; provide a forum for sharing experiences in implementation of ICDS programme; appraise CDPOs/ACDPOs of recent developments and trends in ICDS programme; update their knowledge in the area of early childhood care and development including nutrition and health care; sharpen communication, counselling and managerial skills of CDPOs/ACDPOs. Twenty participants attended the course.
40. Orientation Training Programme on Learning and Behavioural Problems for School Teachers was organized from 28-29 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Lucknow with the main objectives to: sensitize the participants on issues related to child mental health; familiarize the participants with the learning and behavioural problems of children and to develop their skills in identification of these problems; enable the participants to develop a strategy for seeking timely intervention for children from specialized agencies. Twenty five participants attended the training programme.
41. Training on SAM Management, Diarrhoea Management and WASH for functionaries of NHM, Anganwadi Services and SBM was organized from 28-30 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Guwahati with the main objectives to: build the capacity of the functionaries on SAM Management, Diarrhea Management and WASH; facilitate multi-sectoral programming for convergence of services; enable the participants to develop contextual strategies for effective coordination and convergence of services; orient the participants about the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in prevention and management of SAM children. Twenty participants attended the training programme.
42. Orientation Training on Adoption Regulation 2017 for Functionaries of Specialized Adoption Agency was organized from 28-30 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Mohali with the main objectives to: orient the participants on the status of Adoption in India and legal framework for adoption in India; familiarize the participants on Adoption Regulations, 2017, Role and Responsibilities of SAA Functionaries under Adoption Regulations and discuss issues and challenges in adoption procedure. Fifteen participants attended the training programme.
43. Sensitization Programme on Prevention of Trafficking of Women and Children was organized from 28-30 January, 2020 at Headquarters with the main objectives to: orient the participants to the nature and magnitude of trafficking of women and children; share and review constitutional provisions and legal framework to safeguarding women; discuss and analyze the role of Government and NGOs to address the problem of trafficking; and evolve a strategy for prevention, protection and rehabilitation of woman/child survivors of trafficking. Twenty one participants attended the programme.
44. Regional Workshop on Child Protection for Magistrates/Members of JJBs/CWCs/SJPUs/Childline was organized from 28-30 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Bengaluru with the main objectives to: develop understanding among the participants about the situation of children in India and challenges faced by children for their holistic development; sensitize and orient participants to the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, and ICPS orient the participants about the functioning, roles and responsibilities of Juvenile Justice Board and SJPUs; understand and facilitate mechanisms for speedy disposal of cases; discuss the efficacy of Institutional & Non–Institutional Services under the Act; develop understanding of the concept of rehabilitation and social reintegration and to enable effective assessment of options in the best interest of children and; understand the role of different stakeholders as provided in the Act.
45. Orientation Training on Advocacy of Child Development & Child Protection Issues for the Principals / Administrators of Schools was organized on 29 January, 2020 at Chandigarh by Regional Centre Mohali with the main objectives to: familiarize participants on various legal framework related to children and role of schools in implementation; orient the participants on developmental issues of children and management of children with learning and behavioural issues in the school; and discuss on child protection issues and role of schools in protecting rights of children. Twenty seven participants attended the training programme.
46. Sensitization Programme on Care –Giving and Psycho- Social aspects for functionaries of Women Shelter Homes in Delhi was organized from 29-30 January, 2020 at Headquarters with the main objectives to: provide insight into the manifestation of violence against women in India, existing policies, support services and legal safeguards for women; develop understanding about different approaches and types of counselling interventions for women in distress; and enhance counselling skills for providing psychosocial support to distressed women. Twenty three participants attended the training programme.
47. Orientation Workshop for Members of Juvenile Justice Boards (JJBs) was organized from 30-31 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Bengaluru with the main objectives to: sensitize and orient participants to the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000 and its Amendment Act 2006 vis-à-vis ICPS; develop clarity and understanding of the roles and responsibilities of members of JJBs and different personnel involved in the implementation of the Act; facilitate sharing of best practices for strengthening implementation of the Juvenile Justice Act; provide an overview of Child Protection Scheme (CPS); understand the role of different stakeholders as provided in the Act; create an understanding of the concept of rehabilitation and social reintegration and to enable effective assessment of options; and deliberate means of facilitate the speedy disposal of cases. Nineteen participants attended the workshop.
48. Workshop on Safety and Security of Children in CCIs and Educational Institutions was organized from 30-31 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Mohali by Headquarters with the main objectives to: discuss emerging issue of sexual offences committed against children and support for child victims under POCSO Act, 2012; develop an understanding about the role of functionaries of child care institutions and staff of educational institutions in supporting implementation of the Act; enable them to ensure safety and security measures for children. Thirty one participants attended the workshop.
49. Workshop on Child Mental Health for School Teachers was organized on 31 January, 2020 at Regional Centre Lucknow with the main objectives to: discuss current scenario of child mental health; discuss issues related to learning and behavioural problems in children; enhance coordination and collaboration among various stakeholders for better delivery of services to children develop strategies for effective management of children having behavioural and Learning Problems and enable various stakeholders to work out and plan referral and resource mapping. Thirty two participants attended the workshop.