
The major functions of the Institute are to:
- To conduct, promote, sponsor and collaborate in research and evaluation studies in Voluntary action and in child development.
- Review programmes for children in the light of the National Policy for children, National Policy on ECCE, National Education Policy, National Health Policy, National Nutrition Policy, National Policy for person with disabilities, National Policy for the Empowerment of Women.
- Establish liaison with research institutions, universities and other bodies engaged in studies and activities which relate to the development of women & children and voluntary action, and undertake collaborative arrangements
- Review voluntary action in social development;
- Identify problems and needs in the area of voluntary actions for the issues/themes related to Women and Children and suggest approaches to meet them;
- Organise and collaborate training programmes/orientation courses/ workshops / seminars /conferences etc., for personnel in Government Service (including higher-level Government officials / officers), corporate and voluntary sectors engaged in social action.
- To serve as a clearing house for information pertaining to child development voluntary action and to organize for the purpose, service for documentation, storage of information preparation of inventories for research studies, preparation of directories of organization and publications.
- To advise the Central and State Governments and its agencies and various other institutions, in the further development and implementation of policies for child development and voluntary action.
- provide technical service facilities to government and voluntary organizations in the formulation and implementation of programmes related to women & child development and voluntary action;
- do all such other lawful deeds as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of the above objects; and invest and deal with funds and moneys of the Society;
- Issue appeals and applications for money and funds in furtherance of the said objects and to raise or collect Rinds by gifts, donations, subscriptions or otherwise of cash and securities, and any property either movable or immovable and to grant such rights and privileges to the donors, subscribers and other benefactors, as the Society may consider proper;
- Acquire, purchase or otherwise own or take on lease or hire in the Union Territory of Delhi or outside, temporarily or permanently, buy any movable or immovable property necessary or convenient for the furtherance of the objects of the Society;
- Borrow and raise money with or without security or on the security of a mortgage, charge or on the security hypothecation or pledge of all or any of the movable or immovable properties belonging to the Society or in any other manner whatsoever, provided that prior approval in writing of the Central Government is obtained in that behalf;
- Sell, assign, mortgage, lease, exchange and otherwise transfer or dispose of all or any property, movable or immovable, of the Society for the furtherance of the objects of the Society provided prior approval of the Central Government is obtained for the transfer of the immovable property;
- Enter into any agreement with any government or authority, municipal, local or otherwise to obtain from such government or authority any rights, privileges, concessions, fiduciary or otherwise that the Society may deem desirable to obtain and carry out, exercise and comply with such arrangements and rights, privileges and concessions;
- Draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, execute, sign, issue and otherwise deal with cheques, drafts, certificates, receipts, Government securities, promissory notes, bills of exchange or other instruments and securities whether negotiable or transferable or not;
- Build, construct, maintain, repair, alter, improve or develop or furnish any buildings or works necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Society;
- Undertake and accept management of any endowment or trust fund or donation to further the objects of the Society;
- Appoint, or employ temporarily or permanently, any person or persons that may be required for purposes of the Society and to pay them or other persons in return for services rendered to the Society, salaries, wages, honoraria, fees, gratuities, provident fund and pensions;
- Mobilize available expertise in the field of public cooperation and child development and to offer technical and consultancy services with or without payment of remuneration as necessary;
- Establish a provident fund and other benefits for its employees of the Society;
- institute, offer, or grant prizes, awards, scholarships/ fellowships and stipends in furtherance of the Society;
- Make and enforce rules and bye-laws and, if necessary, to repeal, amend and alter the same from time to time; and
- Pay all costs, charges, and expenses incurred in the promotion, formation, establishment and registration of the Society.