Areas of Interest
- Early childhood care and development.
- Health and nutrition of the young child and mothers.
- Infant and Young Child Feeding.
- Prevention of micronutrient malnutrition.
- Adolescent health, reproductive health and HIV/AIDS.
- Growth monitoring.
- Nutrition and Health Education.
- Child guidance and counselling.
- Early detection and prevention of childhood disabilities.
- Learning and behavioural problems of children and parent education.
- Child rights and Child Protection
- Child abuse
- Child Sexual Abuse/ POCSO Act
- Child online protection
- Safety and security of children in Child Care Institutions/ Educational Institutions
- Safety and security of Special Need Children
- Skill Training for Empowerment of Children in CCIs
- Juvenile justice.
- Women's empowerment and Gender mainstreaming.
- Holistic development of adolescent girls and family life education.
- Prevention of child marriage, female foeticide and female infanticide
- Counselling and support services for women in distress.
- Formation and management of self help groups.
- Prevention of trafficking of women and children.
- Prevention of Gender Based Violence.
- Gender Budgeting.
- Gender sensitisation of law enforcement agencies.
- Partnership initiatives of Government/social organisations in the area of child development.
- Manpower Development in Social Development sector.
- Capacity Building of civil society organisations.